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Multiboot FullDVD 4.1

Multiboot FullDVD v4.1 ML [12/12/2010] | 1.78 Gb

FullDVD v4.1 - a multiboot DVD-ROM c set of utilities for backing up, testing, maintenance and disaster recovery of your computer. Also, the CD contains LiveCD operating systems Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, loaded from removable media (CD, DVD, USB-drives) that do not require installation to operate the hard drive. Among the LiveCD systems have 2 bootable Linux system on the basis of popular antivirus company Kaspersky and Dr.Web. Thanks to them can be safely and efficiently scan your computer for viruses without the risk of further infecting your computer.

Hiren's BootCD 12.0 - The most popular boot "All-in-one drive, literally everyone, including administrators and administrators for the repair work on the computer.
Additional Information: http://hirensbootcd.org
Plop Boot Manager 5.0.11 - Download manager with all possible types of media. Can interact with the Windows boot menu (2K, XP, VISTA, Win7), LILO, GRUB, Syslinux, Isolinux, Pxelinux.
Additional Information: http://plop.at
Acronis Disk Director Server 10.2169 Rus - An integrated software package, which includes the administrator of the sections and tools for editing your recordings on your hard drive.
Acronis OS Selector 10.0.2161 Rus - IT'S moschny, nadezhny and ppoctoy in icpolzovanii inctpument for uppavleniya zagpuzkoy neckolkix opepatsionnyx cictem (OC) nA odnom kompyutepe. He uctanovit control allows you to 100 OC, zagpuzhat c OF ANY OF THEIR pazdela and zhectkogo dicka, imet neckolko OC nA odnom pazdele, a takzhe zaschischat vash kompyutep ot zagpuzochnyx vipucov.
Acronis True Image Home 2009 12.0.9769 Rus - Reliable solution for complete backup and restore for workstations. The product enables you to create exact disk images of a working computer that will provide the most complete data protection. Backup disk image is a file that includes absolutely all data, including boot records, operating system, applications, data files, photos, videos, e-mail updates and configuration, and any other files on the drive's data.
Acronis True Image Echo Enterprise Server 9.7.8206 Rus - The solution for the full backup data on servers running in the computer network from a centralized remote management of backup and data recovery.
Acronis BackUp & Recovery Workstation 10.0.11105 - This is a new generation of the popular solutions for data recovery Acronis True Image. The developers have positioned the new product as one of its flagship development. In the process of creating a backup, a new line of products from Acronis eliminates duplicate data, thus saving up to 90% of the backup storage.
Symantec Ghost Corporate Edition - The ability to create images of disks or disk partitions only. Ability to recover from a USB device or DVD drives.
Victoria 3.52 Rus - The program for testing, diagnostics and servicing IDE and Serial ATA drives. Focuses on a wide range of PC users. Works with the drive at a low level (through the controller ports).
Additional Information: http://hdd-911.com
MHDD v4.6 - Free software package for quick and accurate diagnosis and minor repair HDD.
Additional Information: http://ihdd.ru
HDD Regenerator 1.71 - A program to restore the hard drive: able to recover bad sectors (not hide them, namely to restore - it said on the website). Even if low-level formatting is not able to cope, the program will restore almost 60% of the battered sector and makes it a magnetic reversal.
Memtest86 + 4.1 - is a highly effective test for the RAM, which will determine the errors of memory.
Additional Information: http://memtest.org
Windows Memory Diagnostic - is a highly effective test of Microsoft for the RAM, which will determine the errors of memory.
Video Memory stress Test CE v 1.21 - testing program memory, which checks the memory bit at a time, rather than pixel by pixel, similar to a memory test. This test is very thoroughly check all available for the DirectX video memory for failures.
QuickTech Pro 5.80 - Diagnostic program for those who want to quickly check and investigate the basic system components, functions and peripherals. Included tests: CPU, RAM, hard disk, motherboard, video card, modem, monitor, keyboard, etc.
Dariks Boot and Nuke 1.0.7 - A program to perform the irrevocable destruction of files and information from ill-ROM on your computer. Useful tool for instant removal of all data.
Additional Information: http://dban.org
Windows Key Enterprise Edition 9.7.1665 - Utility designed to reset the administrator password if I lose this password, or acute need for access to its system.
FixNTLDR - Restore damaged NTLDR file on the system disk.

System requirements:
To run the system requires a minimum of 256M of RAM or more.
Composition FullDVD v4.1:



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