Menampilkan Status Yahoo Messenger

Yahoo Messenger adalah layanan dari yahoo untuk para Chatter melakukan kegemaranya tersebut, YM ini sudah banyak digunakan sebagai alat chatting ria dikalangan semua umur. Nah yang Saya bahas kali ini adalah bagaimana caranya memasang widget status YM kedalam blog Anda. Dibawah ini adalah Caranya :

  1. Log In
  2. Setelah masuk dashboard lalu masuk menu Layout/tata letak
  3. Kemudian pilih tempat dimana Anda akan memasang kemudian klik "Add a gadget"
  4. Lalu pilih HTML/JavaScript dan paste code dibawah ini.

<a href="ymsgr:sendIM?IdYmKamu"> <img src=";m=g&amp;t=1&amp;l=us"/>

Silahkan ganti IdYmKamu dengan ID YM yang kamu miliki, angka t=1 menunjukkan variasi gambar yang bisa kamu pilih, mulai dari angka 0 sampai 5.


  • t=0
  • t=1
  • t=2
  • t=3
  • t=4
  • t=5
Begitu seterusnya sampai angka 16 (Dan seterusnya, Karena ada pembaharuan dari Yahoo)


Cara Membackup Blog

Setelah mengalami kejadian hilangya blog yang kemarin itu, ternyata baru tahu betapa pentingnya untuk membackup blog kita. Setelah mutar-mutar akhirnya nemu juga layanan untuk membackup blog kita, yaitu di blogbackuponline. Dengan layanan ini kita bisa dengan mudah membackup blog kita disana secara gratis. Tapi layanan ini hanya memberikan space sebesar 5 MB (kok sedikit ya).Tapi jangan khawatir walopun cuma 5 MB tapi aku rasa cukup untuk membackup data-data blog kita. Jika kita memposting rata-rata perpostingan itu 1000 karakter, maka itu cukup untuk membackup sampai 5000 postingan, lumayan kan. Tapi untuk yang versi FREE alias gratis kita tidak bisa membackup data berupa gambar dan video. Kita hanya bisa membackup artikel-artikel postingan kita saja.

Gimana? tertarik untuk membackup datamu? Caranya cukup mudah, yaitu:

1. Buka website dan daftarkan diri kamu disana. Setelah mendaftar kamu akan mendapatkan kiriman email untuk mengaktifkan account km.
2. Kalo sudah aktif login ke website tersebut. Setelah login maka segera registrasikan alamat blogmu yaitu dengan cara mengklik tombol "Start Registering Your Blog".
3. Masukkan alamat blog km dalam kotak yang disediakan, kemudian klik tombol "Register Blog"
4. Setelah itu maka tunggulah proses backupnya. setelah itu pilih tombol "Start Full Backup", Selesai deh.

Trus caranya mengembalikan data kita gimana?
Untuk yang versi bayar, sangat mudah dan bisa dilakukan secara otomatis dengan memencet menu restore. Tapi untuk yang versi GRATIS, kita hanya bisa mendapatkan data-data postingan kita. Caranya masuk ke "Dashboard" trus klik tombol "Manage" setelah itu pilih menu "Content". Nha disitulah semua data-data postinganmu berada. Giamna lumayan kan, daripada harus mengetik ulang ampe membuat tangan gempor mending tinggal copy paste aja. Lagian apa kita ingat semua isi postingan kita? ya to?

OK Selamat Mencoba..........

Artikel yang berhubungan :

Choose a Good Spa and Salon Software

To run a spa or salon business, you need more than a good pair of scissors and the gift of gab. You need software to keep your business running well. You must get efficient salon software. It's the most important decision you will make. Before purchasing salon and spa software you have to know about the software clearly. It can be very frustating if you don't have a program that is userfriendly, has detailed reporting, and good management. It's very very crucial. You need to analyze your client data so you can do the best to them. If your clients feel comfortable with your service it will be a good step to be succeed.

If you haven't computerized your spa and salon yet Salon Software is good to start. It's prized with budget in mind and offers powerfull features such as appointments, Sales Register, Clients file managements, flexible mployees, customize service, Inventory control, custom report, high security, corporate enterprise, and payroll that will allow you to operate your salon and spa effectively. You will get up-to-date report with a comprehensive look at the financial well-being of all aspects of your business at any time.

Salon Software tracks product quantities, sales levels and values, allowing you to evaluate product performance and create an optimal product mix with good margins and the right inventory levels. It also offers preference setting and configuration tool to market your business better. You will be more organized, efficient and productive. So, Software for Salons is a good choice for your salon and spa business.

Buat background di Folder atau Drive

Dalam pembicaraan kita kali ini adalah gimana caranya memasang susuk di komputer kita :D wehhh ilmu hitam tuh!
jangan salah tips kali ini adalah caranya mempercantik dan memperindah folder kita!:D jika anda kepengen tau caranya ini gw kasih tau caranya yaitu pergi ke dukun! eh bukan! bukan :) yawdah nie gw kasih tau yaitu dengan background maker?
background maker adalah suatu tools untuk membuat background di folder dan bisa sekaligus mengubah warna huruf file namenya, langkahnya memasangnya adalah
  1. Download dan Extract dari Winrar
  2. taruh backgroun maker di folder yang mau dikasih backrgound
  3. kemudian klik ganda background makernya dan setting sesuai keinginan anda
:D gimana minat silahkan download ukuranya kecil kok filenya :D klick tulisan di bawah ini


Membuka super hiden/ mengembalikan data flash disk

seringkali kita menemui hal semacam kehilangan data di flash disk o.. o... pusing tuh klu tu maslahnya mungkin aja ter-sembunyi ato ter-hiden akibat virus (lagi-lagi itu) iya kalau gitu langkah pertama adalah:
  • hentikan dulu proteksi anti virus yang terpasang di komputer kita
  • trus masuk ke menu Start >> RUN lalu ketik cmd (command promt itu lochh)
  • lalu ketik attrib(spasi)-s(spasi)-h(spasi)f:*.*(spasi)/s(spasi)/d
  • Atau lebih simplenya ketik attrib -s -h f:*.* /s /d

ganti tulisan f dengan lokasi flash disk terpasang, juga bisa membuka data di hard disk juga lohh caranya tinggal ganti aja lokasinya dengan lokasi hard disk misalnya C: D: ato yang lain

langkah selanjutnya yang palin penting adalah SELAMAT MENCOBA

*trik yang lain menggunakan command promt bisa menyusul

Multi Yahoo Messenger

Kali ini kita akan membahas tentang multi YM (Yahoo Messenger) yang sering kita gunakan untuk chating. Apakah Kegunaan multi Yahoo! Messenger???
Multi Yahoo Messenger berguna supaya kita dapat membuka aplikasi YM secara ganda di komputer kita, kita dapat Menggunakan 2 id/nickname kita dalam satu komputer yang kita gunakan.
Kita bisa membuat Multi YM secara manual dengan mengotak-atik registry editor kita adalah Sebagai Berikut:

  1. pastikan tidak membuka yahoo messenger oke
  2. buka Registry Editor, caranya RUN ketik regedit
  3. masuk ke HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/yahoo/pager/Test
  4. Klik kanan pilih New » DWORD Value
  5. Ganti namanya dengan Plural
  6. Dobel klik pada Plural trus ganti value data 0 menjadi 1
udah deh coba kamu klik shortcut YM kalau udah muncul klik lagi shortcut YM klu muncul jendela baru berarti berhasil deh usaha kita yes!! Yes!!!!! n kalau pengen yang lain coba aja download di SINI

How much you get earn from adsense?

Adsense lets website owners to make money easily without even selling anything. How much you get earn from adsense? this is a good question, it’s depend on how many visitors come to your site and how many of them whose click on the ads. To get much earn is need a hard effort, hard work, study, research, learning from experience and many more. To get much visitors your site must have good contents. You can write what ever do you like, such as information, hoby, tech, story, tutorial, downloads and everything to attract visitors come to your site as much as possible. Or you can use SEO service to increase traffic of your website.

To get much earning, you need to learn from master adsense from all over the world. You need to read from some experience website that write adsense topics like You will get much usefull tips from them. You can receive a check over $ 132.000 for one month revenue like the shoemoney received. You need much learn to get it. There is no out come coming without doing nothing, it always proceded by effort. Many peaple do any business without learning, They just do it without bullet, or even ask to any body who understand about the subject, but how they can get more outcome.

How about your adsense earning? can you be an adsense millionaires publisher like shoemoney ?. You will inspired to follow their tips and trick to be succeed. You can read and learn from them and follow what they do. It depend on your effort to realize it. What did you do with your adsense, did you leave it without effort or you realy try harder. Doing more and more to make it better

Preparing to Enter IT Careers

The growing of Information technology is amazing. And this make there are so many job opportunities in this field. If you decided to starting a technology career it is a good choice. But remember you must to prepare your self with skills on demands for qualified and certified professionals. And you will get it from a technical schools. Students that graduating with technical degree are easier to get opportunity on this field and typically offered higher starting salaries then students holding other degrees.

Before you enter to the technology industri, it’s important to equipped you with it training. You must to think smart, which of tech schools that will give you the best support to be succeed in your career. And of course you must to search a school that have a certification training. The first step what you should to do is simply select aprogram, review career information, and get started today.

Why You Have to Getting a Degree in Fashion School

There are many benefits to getting a degree in fashion school. You will interact with many of talent students from all over the world. In California Fashion Schools, you will get new and advance skills from some professional instructors who will teach you. You will provided with the skills and experience you require for your new fashion career. And your skills will more marketable.

California Fashion Schools has many fashion-focused areas, especially Hollywood with its influence on the film industry. Getting degree will help you learn the skills necessary to bloom in the fashion industry. if you are a recent graduate, many job opportunities await for you. Potential employers want to see what you know, and what you can do. Show the best to them.

Chose The Best Fashion School for Your Career

To become a fashion designer needs a specialist skils and experience. And school is the best place to improve it, and to get a degree in a fashion school will be the best start for your career. Fashion school could be the foundation to a great and succesfull career. Althought you have a good skils and talents, but without structured training you will not fullly appreciate and hard to be succeed. Choose fashion school also influence to succeed. You must be carefully to choose the best fashion school for you. There are some factors that must be considered to looking for the good quality of fashion school, because the fashion design school you choose will greatly influence your career later.

You have to choose a fashion school that have a good reputaion and well known in the world of fashion. Place also must to be considered in choosing your fashion design school. Like it's reputation, New York is the good place for improving fashion design skills. People from all over the world look to New York for fashion styles and trends. New York Fashion Schools will be the good choise for you. They will provide all you need in developing of your skill of fashion. You can learn from fashion school such as Drawing, color composition, form, pattern, how to sew and many others thing.

To be succeed and survive in fashion school you must be serious and hard work in your study. You must also spent many times into your studies and practicing of your fashion trade. There are many benefits to getting a degree in New York Fashion Schools. School will prepare for real life business and working strategies that will make you to be succeed in your career. Getting a fashion degree from a good or popular fashion school will also look really good on any resume.

Find Poker Room for Machintos

Do you like to play poker? Now you have more opportunity to play the game because lately so many poker room on the internet. Over the internet, you can play online game poker any time, day or night. You can play against players from oll over the world. You can play for free (just for fun) or for real money (for business).

Right now, There are many internet poker room. But they were only made for Microsoft Windows, It's hard enough looking for internet poker room support for Machintos. Isn't it? and even harder to find one that can be trusted and has a good reputation. Not only that, of course you want to find online poker room that will give you big bonus. If you hard to find it, just visit to this site : You will get much information over there. will give you information regarding online poker and casino games for Macintosh. They also provide an easy beginners guide for free.

If you play for real money then you hard to win and lost a large amount of your money, may be you need poker strategy tips guide. You need to learn how to play winning poker become a poker master. You can find a poker strategy tips here, it's provide many tips for you, you will get guide to become professional poker player.

Cara Menampilkan Recent Post (Postingan Terbaru)

Kamu pingin nampilin postingan terbaru (Recent Post) kamu di side bar?
Kalo pingin, beginilah caranya :

1. Login to Blogger kemuduan pilih "Layout"
2. Klik pada "Page Element" trus pilih "Add a Gadget --> HTML/Javascript" (Tempatnya terserah kamu).
3. Copy kode berikut ini dan taruh dalam kotak "content".

<script src=""></script>
<script>var numposts = 10; var showpostdate = false; var showpostsummary = false; var numchars = 100; </script>
<script src=";alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=rp">

4. Ganti YOURBLOGNAME dengan nama blog kamu.
5. Angka "10" menunjukkan jumlah "Recent Post" yang ditampilkan, kamu bisa menggantinya
6. Terus Simpan.

Nha coba lihat blog kamu, udah nongol kan "Recent Post" kamu...

Cara Membuat Kotak Blogroll dan Marquee

Kali ini aku mau ngejelasin trik kali dengan gaya puisi, biar nggak bosen, tapi jangan diketawain ya, soalnya lom pernah buat puisi nih.

Tatkala link-link jumlahnya sudah berjuta-juta
Maka semakin sesaklah dada blog ini
Jikalau hal ini tidak diatasi dengan bijaksana
Maka blognya dikau akan penuh sesak dengan link-link itu

Udah bagus nggak puisinya? ancur ya? :r Ok lanjuuut.

Oleh karena itulah
hamba memberanikan diri untuk menawarkan obat sesak tersebut
Melalui secuil ilmu berikut
Daku berharap dapat membantu kisanak supaya blognya tidak sesak

Kira-kira pada mudeng nggak ya penjelasan tadi, ah biarin deh :z
:r udah ah, udah mual2 nih pake gaya puici, sekarang ganti gaya biasa aja.

Untuk trik kali ini, ada dua macam kotak blogroll yang akan kita buat, terserah kamu mo pilih yang mana. Kotak blogroll-nya yaitu:

1. Kotak Blogroll Model Textarea

Contohnya seperti kotak blog roll seperti punyaku itu, itu lho yg atasnya ada tulisanya "Friend links"
Nha begini cara membuatnya :
Pasang code berikut ini di kedalam element kamu (Page Elements --> Add a Gadget --> HTML /Javascript)

<div style="border: 1px solid rgb(153, 153, 153);
overflow: auto;
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
text-align: center; ">

#link1 <br />
#link2 <br />
#link3 <br />


- Kode width: 200px; dan height: 200px; adalah ukuran lebar dan panjang kotak, kamu bisa merubahnya dan menyesuaikanya dengan ukuran yg kamu suka.
- Ganti tulisan "#link1,#link2, #link3 dst" dengan daftar link-link kamu, oh ya itu juga bisa diisi dengan banner link.
- Jika kamu pingin daftar link-linknya berjajar kayak punyaku, maka hilangkan kode <br />

2. Kotak Blogroll Model Marquee

Kotak ini juga mampu menampung banyak link dalam tempat yang sempit. Namun kotak blog roll ini berbeda dengan kotak yg diatas, karena kotak yang ini tidak memiliki rollbar (yg biasanya disebelah kanan trus ditarik keatas kebawah itu lho). Link-link ato isi didalam kotak ini akan bergerak/berjalan, bisa vertikal ato horizontal. Nah gini nih cara buatnya:
Pasang code berikut ini di kedalam element kamu (Page Elements --> Add a Gadget --> HTML /Javascript)

<MARQUEE align="center" direction="up" height="100" scrollamount= "2" onmouseover='this.stop()' onmouseout='this.start()' width="95%" >

#link1 <br />
#link2 <br />
#link3 <br />
#link...<br />


Keterangan :
- Kode "up" itu menunjukan arah pergerakan, kamu bisa menggantinya dengan down, left, right (udah mudeng to artinya, gak usah dijelasin ya).
- Jika kamu menggantinya dengan pergerakan horizontal (left ato right) maka hilangkan kode <br />.
- Angka "100" menunjukkan tinggi dari kotak blogroll kamu. Semakin banyak angkanya maka semakin tinggi pula ukuran blogroll.


Use SEO Service to Increase Website Traffics

Why SEO is important to your website? SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is one methods to increase your website traffics fromsearch engine. If you use seo service your website will be search engine friendly, many peaple will visit your website through search engine with most valuable keyword on your page. seo service will ensuring that your website content is easily discovered, analyzed and indexed by various search engine robots, crawlers and spiders. Seo service can make your web pages more easily read by search engine and their crawling and indexing software.

Why search engine is important to your website? If you have a website and your website is not search engine frindly or even not indexed in any of search engine, I sure your website will gets low traffic, and your business will not be survive for very long in this situation. How many people that will remember to your website name? no many, potential customers might not even now that your website sxists. But if your website is can be easily found from search engine, I sure your website visittors will explode and it will develope your business. Potential customers may be will type e keyword that they wanna find about, and immediately find a listing for your company's website. Now you know that search engine is very important.

if you want your website is searchable by search engine, seo service is a great solution for you. SEO service can give more benefits to your site, it would really increase the traffic of your website. If you decided to use seo service to your website, choose seo service that give you guarantee, I suggest you to join Integrated Digital Production SEO Service, this company offer good guarantee. They said "If we can’t position your website on your most valuable keyword on the first page of the search engine within 12 months, we will continue working on your SEO for FREE until we fulfil this promise", I think it's great guarantee. IDP seo service have many professional SEO Specialist, each and every SEO Specialist understands how to achieve results for their clients and continuously work to analyse and improve ranking and direct valuable traffic to their clients’ websites. If you join, you will have a team of highly trained SEO specialists, dedicated to improving your website ranking and positioning. You will get report tracks any changes in your website positioning and keyword popularity on a monthly basis. And you will automatically receive an access to Google Analytics to track your visitors and watch your website statistics on a everyday.

So, SEO service is the best solution for you, if you wanna get huge traffics for your website, and certainly it will make your business succesfully.

Menambah Emoticon di Shoutbox

Apa kamu bosan dengan emoticon yang ada di shoutbox kamu? Nha biar nggak bosan kamu bisa menambahkan sendiri icon-icon (emoticon) kesayangan kamu kedalam shoutbox blog kamu. Mau tahu caranya? begini nih cara nya...
Oh ya, trik yang ini hanya untuk yang menggunakan shoutbox dari shoutmix.

Ikuti langkah-langkah berikut ini :
1. Login ke
2. Trus di daerah menu "Display", klik link "Smileys"
3. Nha nanti kamu akan menjumpai tampilan seperti ini :

4. Untuk manambahkannya masukkan alamt icon kamu kedalam kotak "Smile image URL", kalo kamu tidak punya iconnya atau alamatnya kamu bisa gunakan alamat icon2 dibawah ini.
5. Trus masukkan "kode" (shorcut) kedalam kotak disebelahnya trus klik tombol "ADD"
6. Lakukan terus seperti itu sampai semua icon smile yang kamu inginkan masuk dalam daftar.
7. Kalo sudah klik tombol "Save Setting"

Nha coba kamu lihat blog kamu, trus lihat dishoutboxnya maka kamu sudah punya tambahan emoticon dalm shoutbox kamu.

Berikut ini daftar emoticon beserta alamat URL-nya :


Oh ya lupa, maksimal icon smile yg dapat kita tambahkan adalah 10 biji, ini buat yg gratisan, kalo buat yg premium bisa nyampe 500 biji.


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